Simple Syrup
1:1 Ratio
Simple Syrup is exactly that, incredibly simple! It is an equal measure of water and fine white granulated sugar.
For the most accurate balance it is best to measure by weight. Affordable digital scales are common and it is a very beneficial tool to add to your bar for the preparation of many a future recipe. While less accurate, using volume measurements can work as well, such as 1 cup of water to 1 cup of sugar.
Three ways to make your Simple Syrup
On the stove
Measure out your portions of sugar and water and add them to a pot. Set heat to medium high and immediately stir to mix and begin dissolving the sugar. The mixture will start off looking cloudy but as it warms, and the sugar continues to dissolve, it will become clear. Continue stirring, avoiding letting it reach a boil, until the mixture becomes completely clear. Turn off the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Once it has cooled, transfer your Simple Syrup to your container or bottle of choice. Refrigerate in between uses and it will keep for up to a week.
In a bowl
Start with a glass bowl large enough to contain your projected sugar and water together that will still leave a safe amount of space to vigorously stir within. Place the bowl on a digital scale and zero out the scale. Add the amount of sugar you intend to use, perhaps 150 grams. Leave the sugar in the bowl on the scale and zero it out once again. Next procure some very hot water such as you would use to brew hot tea. Carefully pour this hot water directly into the bowl of sugar until it reaches the same measurement of sugar previously (150 grams in this case). Immediately begin whisking the mixture thoroughly until it becomes completely clear. Once it has cooled, transfer your Syrup to your container or bottle of choice. Refrigerate in between uses and it will keep for up to a week.
Quickest in a pinch!
Fill half of a bottle with fine white sugar followed by filling the other half with warm water. Seal the bottle tightly to avoid spilling and then shake vigorously until the sugar dissolves and the syrup appears clear. This is a bar trick used when you quickly run out of sugar and you have drink tickets piling up. While it is tough to dissolve every bit of the sugar this quickly, it’s still gonna work fine.